Welcome to the UIC Healthy Kids Lab, a safe and engaging community that supports children and families to lead healthy and happy lives.
The Healthy Kids Lab conducts research to understand the determinants of health behaviors among children and families (including sleep, nutrition, physical activity, and sedentary time) and the effects of health behaviors on children’s physical and mental health.
Established in 2015, the Healthy Kids Lab is committed to promoting health in communities where health needs are high and available resources are low. We use best practices in kinesiology, nutrition, psychology and public health to inform practice and create evidence-based health behavior interventions.
Our location in the heart of the nation’s third-largest city provides us with opportunities to partner with leading youth service organizations, including Urban Initiatives, Chicago Park District, and Chicago Public Schools, as well as philanthropists, behavioral scientists, community organizations and health care providers.
Learn the BUILT program here: Heading link